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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
03:18, 11 October 2013WikiEmblem.png (file)24 KBLugdunonLugdunon Wiki Logo2
04:51, 13 October 2013LugdunonLogoSmall.png (file)10 KBLugdunonLudunon's Logo. Original artwork by Jay Bramhall.1
04:52, 13 October 2013LugdunonSunwheelSmall.png (file)8 KBLugdunonLudunon's Sunwheel Emblem. Original artwork by Jay Bramhall.1
18:22, 13 October 2013512.png (file)10 KBLugdunonSample terrain source file.1
18:23, 13 October 2013Folder.png (file)42 KBLugdunonTerrain gen utility expected file structure.1
21:17, 14 October 2013Conf-conf.png (file)25 KBLugdunonThe configure placeable tool.1
21:17, 14 October 2013Conf-sconf.png (file)13 KBLugdunonThe configure placeable tool in action.1
21:18, 14 October 2013Npc-npce.png (file)86 KBLugdunonThe NPC editor.1
21:18, 14 October 2013Npc-npcP.png (file)11 KBLugdunonNPC preview.1
21:19, 14 October 2013Npc-tmpsel.png (file)35 KBLugdunonNPC template creation.1
21:19, 14 October 2013Recipe-itsel.png (file)103 KBLugdunonThe item selector.1
21:20, 14 October 2013Recipe-rce.png (file)151 KBLugdunonThe recipe editor.1
21:20, 14 October 2013Spawn-confsc.png (file)93 KBLugdunonSpawn configuration.1
21:20, 14 October 2013Spawn-npcsel.png (file)30 KBLugdunonThe NPC selector.1
21:21, 14 October 2013Spawn-spawn.png (file)79 KBLugdunonA spawn point in edit mode.1
21:21, 14 October 2013Spawn-spawnTool.png (file)13 KBLugdunonThe spawn placement tool.1
23:11, 14 October 2013Adv-advBtn.png (file)21 KBLugdunonAdvancement button.1
23:16, 14 October 2013Adv-advDlg.png (file)147 KBLugdunonAdvancement dialog1
23:17, 14 October 2013Adv-exp.png (file)22 KBLugdunonExperience1
23:17, 14 October 2013Adv-stats.png (file)28 KBLugdunonCharacter stats1
23:18, 14 October 2013Campfires-bucketCraft.png (file)41 KBLugdunonCrafting a bucket1
23:18, 14 October 2013Campfires-bucketFill.png (file)16 KBLugdunonFilling a bucket with water1
23:18, 14 October 2013Campfires-fireCraft.png (file)41 KBLugdunonCrafting a campfire1
23:19, 14 October 2013Campfires-fireMelt.png (file)17 KBLugdunonFire melts snow1
23:19, 14 October 2013Campfires-waterExtinguish.png (file)17 KBLugdunonWater extinguishes fire1
23:19, 14 October 2013Campfires-woodFeed.png (file)17 KBLugdunonWood feeds a campfire1
23:20, 14 October 2013Combat-combat.png (file)36 KBLugdunonAttacking a zombie1
23:21, 14 October 2013Combat-swc.png (file)14 KBLugdunonCrafting a sword1
23:23, 14 October 2013Containers-containers.png (file)10 KBLugdunonVarious grades of containers1
23:23, 14 October 2013Containers-contCraft.png (file)20 KBLugdunonCrafting a chest1
23:23, 14 October 2013Containers-contUI.png (file)58 KBLugdunonThe container's contents in a player's inventory.1
23:24, 14 October 2013Containers-gKey.png (file)18 KBLugdunonA golden key, locking a container1
23:24, 14 October 2013Containers-iKey.png (file)10 KBLugdunonAn iron key locking a container1
23:25, 14 October 2013Crafting-crafted.png (file)12 KBLugdunonA fence is crafted1
23:25, 14 October 2013Crafting-crafting.png (file)14 KBLugdunonA fence being crafted1
23:26, 14 October 2013Crafting-crMaster.png (file)14 KBLugdunonA master level crafting grid1
23:49, 14 October 2013Farming-farming.png (file)49 KBLugdunonA farm1
23:50, 14 October 2013Farming-harvesting.png (file)23 KBLugdunonHarvesting1
23:50, 14 October 2013Farming-inv.png (file)13 KBLugdunonFarming-related items1
23:50, 14 October 2013Farming-planting.png (file)36 KBLugdunonPlanting peppers.1
23:51, 14 October 2013Farming-tilling.png (file)9 KBLugdunonTilling earth1
03:11, 15 October 2013Npc-enBtn.png (file)31 KBLugdunon 2
03:12, 15 October 2013Recipe-erBtn.png (file)32 KBLugdunon 2
03:14, 15 October 2013Toggle-steBtn.png (file)17 KBLugdunon 2
03:15, 15 October 2013Toggle-stpBtn.png (file)22 KBLugdunon 2
03:19, 15 October 2013Movement-dfpaths.png (file)24 KBLugdunon 1
03:19, 15 October 2013Movement-vpd.png (file)9 KBLugdunon 1
03:26, 15 October 2013Inv-maininv.png (file)52 KBLugdunon 1
03:27, 15 October 2013IWTGW-in.png (file)25 KBLugdunon 1
03:27, 15 October 2013IWTGW-pie.png (file)31 KBLugdunon 1

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