Difference between revisions of "Upcoming Release"

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''Last Updated: 07/07/2019''
''Last Updated: 08/04/2016''
Mods altered in this update:
Mods altered in this update:
Server mods altered in this update:
Server mods altered in this update:
/etc files altered in this update:
/etc files altered in this update:
Release Notes:
Release Notes:
*client-web 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2
*server 0.8.1 -> 0.8.2
*net.lugdunon.currency.gsc 0.0.3 -> 0.0.4
*net.lugdunon.elevation.editor.simple 0.0.1 -> 0.0.2
*net.lugdunon.state.character.movement.free 0.0.4 -> 0.0.5
*net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character 0.0.4 -> 0.0.5
*net.lugdunon.world.defaults.compendium 0.0.4 -> 0.0.5
*net.lugdunon.world.clover.tui 0.0.6 -> 0.0.7
*net.lugdunon.world.tupelo.tui 0.0.7 -> 0.0.8
*net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.defaults 0.0.10 -> 0.0.11
*net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.procedural 0.0.4 -> 0.0.5
*Added net.lugdunon.Server.isLocal() to the server-side API.
*Added support for player earned titles and achievements.
*GMs and Super Users will get their own title.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.PlayerCharacter.titleOrHonorificUpdated() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.PlayerCharacter.setTitle(title) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.PlayerCharacter.setHonorific(honorific) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.PlayerCharacter.getLabelPrefix() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.PlayerCharacter.getLabelSuffix() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.InventoryDialog.initTitles() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.InventoryDialog.initHonorifics() to the client-side API.
*Added title and honorific selects to the main inventory dialog.
*Moved character stats system from the advancement package to a new stats package.
*net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.ICharacterStats -> net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats
*net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.ICharacterResourceChangeDelegate -> net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterResourceChangeDelegate
*net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.ICharacterStatsSystem -> net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStatsSystem
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.character.SetTitleCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.character.SetHonorificCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.character.AddTitleCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.character.AddHonorificCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.character.RemoveTitleCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.character.RemoveHonorificCommand.
*Added API that allows achievements to grant 'awards'.
*Mastery in a crafting discipline now grants you an achievement and title.
*Several other achievements now award honorific.
*Gender parameter filters now use the new Character.getGenderAPI() and therefore now account for neuter as well.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.achievement.award.BaseAchievementAward.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.achievement.award.HonorificAchievementAward.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.achievement.award.TitleAchievementAward.
*InitialLearnCraftingAchievement now accepts a skill property to further refine the condition.
*Fixed a resource leak in net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.Advancements.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.GENDER_MALE to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.GENDER_FEMALE to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.GENDER_NEUTER to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.getGender() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.getTitle() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.setTitle(String title) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.addTitle(String title) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.removeTitle(String title) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.listTitles() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.getHonorific() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.setHonorific(String honorific) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.addHonorific(String honorific) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.removeHonorific(String honorific) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.listHonorifics() to the server-side API.
*Added app store icons for iOS and Android.
*Fixed an issue with the MacOS standalone client not using included JRE.
*Fixed an issue with the MacOS client ignoring focus events.
*TerrainToImageCommand now writes out images to Lugdunon data directory when used in the standalone client.
*Fixed an issue with the UpdateUserDefinedDataCommand using the wrong string marshalling method.
*UpdateSignCommand refactored to leverage UpdateUserDefinedDataCommand.
*Fixed an issue with placeable access checks not working in all cases.
*Shared crafting stations should now work as intended.
*Shared houses / tents should now work as intended.
*Fixed an issue with MoveInventoryItemCommand causing client crashes in some cases.
*Fixed an issue with RemoveInventoryItemCommand causing client crashes in some cases.
*Chicks spawned when an egg is thrown by a player will now be owned by that player.
*Fixed an issue with ChargeActionCommand causing client crashes in some cases.
*Fixed an issue with SellItemToVendorCommand causing client crashes in some cases.
*Added log entry for when a player resizes their screen.
*Fixed an issue with Rect.contains(Point p) not correctly determining if point is contained within the rect's boundaries.
*World generators now correctly pull from the world's world.cfg if it is present.
*Fixed an issue with getting the repair cost of an item instance.
*Fixed an issue with way in which the DefaultItemWorthCalculator was acquiring instances of the active currency implementation.
*Fixed several issues around instantiating certain object structures when there is no current game state available (for world generation).
*NamesList now accepts a string array of names in addition to the array of naming objects. In this case, name objects are created for each of the names in the string array.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.setNameProvider(INameProvider nameProvider) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.getNameProvider() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.setModCache(ModCache modCache) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.getModCache() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.setNpcDefinitions(NpcDefinitions npcDefinitions) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.setSpellSchools(SpellSchools spellSchools) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.setCraftingDisciplines(CraftingDisciplines craftingDisciplines) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.setEtcPath(String etcPath) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.getEtcPath() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.getNpcDefinitions() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.getSpellSchools() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.getDeities() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.WorldGenerator.getCraftingDisciplines() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.ICharacterStats.HEALTH_MODIFY_CAUSE_TRAPPED to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.behavior.BaseBehavior.dumpState() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.canBeDomesticated() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.getAnimalType() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.isDomesticated() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.getDomesticatedBy() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.domesticate(String domesticator) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.getCustomName() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.rename(String name) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.getBehaviorState() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.logBehaviorQueue(PlayerCharacter pc) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NpcDefinitions.listDomesicated() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.sendStaminaLackingForActionMessage() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.crafting.CraftingDiscipline.getPurveyor() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.crafting.CraftingDiscipline.setPurveyor(String purveyor) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.getCraftingType() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemDefinitions.getTilledCrops() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemDefinitions.getNonCookingCraftingStations() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemDefinitions.getCraftingStations() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getDeities() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getSettlements() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.World.newCurrencyInstance() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.Biome.postProcess(Random random, int dimension, float[] processedTerrain, byte[] biomeData, byte[] elevationData, short[] terrainData) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.Biome.isPostProcessed() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.terrain.Terrain.processNewlyVisibleChunk(Account account, EnhancedDataOutputStream chunks, Set<Long> piiChunks, Set<Integer> chunksRetained, int c, int lChunkCount) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.SettlementBiome to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.Settlement to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.FarmSettlement to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.LyceumSettlement to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.TownSettlement to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.TradesmanSettlement to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.generators.SettlementGenerator to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.generators.FarmSettlementGenerator to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.generators.LyceumSettlementGenerator to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.generators.TownSettlementGenerator to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.generators.TradesmanSettlementGenerator to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.Plot to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.MarketPlot to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.SmallCemeteryPlot to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.SmallGardenMazePlot to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.SmallHomePlot to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.TavernPlot to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.WaterParkPlot to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.plot.Farm to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.plot.Placeable to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.biome.settlement.settlements.town.plot.TerrainAlteration to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.settlement.Settlements to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.deity.Deity to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.deity.Deities to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.behavior.ReproduceBehavior to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.achievement.domestication.AnimalReleasedAchievement.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.achievement.domestication.AnimalRenamedAchievement.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.achievement.domestication.AnimalTrappedAchievement.
*net.lugdunon.state.achievement.AchievementCategories is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.achievement.AchievementDefinitions is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.achievement.BaseAchievement is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.AdvancementCategories is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.Advancement is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.character.ICharacterStatsSystem is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.character.modifier.ModifierDefinitions is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.character.NpcDefinitions is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.crafting.CraftingDisciplines is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.dialogue.DialogueDefinitions is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemDefinitions is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.Manifest is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.metrics.Metrics is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.quest.QuestDefinitions is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.recipe.Recipes is now hashable.
*net.lugdunon.state.vendor.VendorCache is now hashable.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.metric.domestication.AnimalReleasedMetric.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.metric.domestication.AnimalRenamedMetric.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.metric.domestication.AnimalTrappedMetric.
*net.lugdunon.state.character.name.INonPlayerCharacterNameProvider -> net.lugdunon.state.name.INameProvider
*net.lugdunon.state.character.name. NonPlayerCharacterListNameProvider -> net.lugdunon.state.name.ListNameProvider
*net.lugdunon.state.character.name.list.Name -> net.lugdunon.state.name.list.Name
*net.lugdunon.state.character.name.list.NamesList -> net.lugdunon.state.name.list.NamesList
*net.lugdunon.state.World.getNPCNameProvider() -> net.lugdunon.state.World.getNameProvider() to the server-side API.
*Terrain chunks are now processed in an order dictated by the player's orientation.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.action.NamePetActionHandler to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.action.TrapAnimalActionHandler to the client-side code base.
*Removed jquery ui client-side library.
*Removed jquery mobile ui client-side library.
*Added jquery mobile events client-side library.
*Added b64 client-side library.
*Fixed an issue with AssetManager.findAudioForBiome() failing when no biome is found.
*Replaced all instances of game.isMobile with Namespace.isMobile().
*Made Namespace.is*() calls a little more performant.
*Fixed an issue with Namespace.requireWorker().
*Refactored the crap out of net.lugdunon.command.core.ConnectToServerCommand to add support for client-side caching of server-side data sets. Also presented great opportunity to get ride of an certain abomination of nested setInterval calls.
*Added net.lugdunon.util.DefaultSecondaryStore.persistGenericItem(key,value,callback) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.util.DefaultSecondaryStore.oadGenericItem(key,callback) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.getLabelPrefix() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.getLabelSuffix() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.domesticated to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.domesticatedBy to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.customName to the client-side API.
*Added support for debugging the command system's IO.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.NonPlayerCharacter.setCustomName(customName) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.Client.callDebugStackUpdateListeners(method,data) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.Client.addDebugStackUpdateListener(listener) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.Client.removeDebugStackUpdateListener(listener) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.Client.getStackTrace() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.Client.clearStackTrace() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.input.keybind.Keybinding.hideOnMobile() to the client-side API.
*net.lugdunon.input.keybind.FullScreenToggleKeybinding is hidden on mobile.
*Refactored net.lugdunon.input.Input to add improved mobile support.
*Fixed scrolling of tables and lists on mobile.
*Chunk sheets are now cleared on decommission.
*Removed standalone client link from mobile.
*Refactored sound emanator placeable code to make it actually work. Now works correctly even for cases where the same placeable has a sound defined for one state and not for another.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.chunk.ChunkSheet.clear() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.TiledGame.showLabel(label,offset) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.TiledGame.hideLabel() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.TiledGame.showTooltip(renderer, renderData) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.TiledGame.hideTooltip() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.LargeDialogState.getDialog(text) to the client-side API.
*Refactored dialog tab code.
*On mobile, inventory dialogs show current 'cursor' inventory on top left.
*Added positioning UI to bottom right of screen on mobile.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.slot.InventorySlotInteraction.prepDialogForInventoryManipulation(dialog) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.DialogTab to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.DialogTabContainer to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.mobile.MobilePositioningController to the client-side code base.
*Added ArrayBuffer.enlarge(buffer,enlargeBy) to the client-side API.
*Added ArrayBuffer.arrayBufferToString(buf) to the client-side API.
*Added ArrayBuffer.stringToArrayBuffer(str) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.util.ServerDatasetCacheManager to the client-side code base.
*Fixed an issue with containered placeables not initializing correctly.
*Fixed several mobile css issues.
*Added game.onShowHideLabel(el,label,offset) to the client-side API.
*Added game.onShowLabel(el,label,offset) to the client-side API.
*Added game.onHideLabel(el) to the client-side API.
*Added game.onShowHideTooltip(el,renderer,renderData) to the client-side API.
*Added game.onShowTooltip(el,renderer,renderData) to the client-side API.
*Added game.onHideTooltip(el) to the client-side API.
*Cemetery biome replaced with lava biome.
*Lowlands and midlands troglodytes now spawn in their respective level caverns.
*Balanced the ratios of ore nodes in caverns.
*Increased the number of reliquary rooms in highland ruins instances.
*Fixed default.compendium.crafting.recipe.easy.mode.enable flag transposition in the proc world gen mod.
*Added support for post-processed biomes. These represent artificial biomes that are generated after the main terrain gen completes.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.procedural.ProceduralWorldGen.getNameProvider()  to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.procedural.ProceduralWorldGen.getNpcDefinitions()  to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.procedural.ProceduralWorldGen.getSpellSchools()  to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.procedural.ProceduralWorldGen.getDeities()  to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.procedural.ProceduralWorldGen.getCraftingDisciplines()  to the server-side API.
*Fixed a couple of issues with the tent interior.
*Added several new achievements focus on trapping and domesticating livestock.
*Added a new NPC behaviour: CORE.BEHAVIOR.REPRODUCE (net.lugdunon.state.character.behavior.core.ReproduceBehavior).
*Added a new NPC behaviour state: CORE.REPRODUCING.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.console.gm.NPCStatusCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.play.NamePetCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.play.TrapAnimalCommand.
*Crafting disciplines now have a 'purveyor' property.
*Added etc/deities.json
*Fixed several issues with grave placeable.
*Fixed an issue with the tent's placeable appearance.
*Upped reliquary drops.
*Fixed an issue with Jack-o-Latern impermanence.
*Candles now last much longer when placed.
*Raw barley should now be placeable again.
*Livestock can now be domesticated, bred, and named.
*Added a Pet Nametag item. This item, when used on an animal owned by the player, will allow the player to rename the animal.
*Added a Barrel Trap item. This item, when used on an undomesticated animal, will capture it in an animal barrel for transportation and later re-introduction into the environment.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.metric.domestication.AnimalTrappedMetric.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.metric.domestication.AnimalReleasedMetric.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.metric.domestication.AnimalRenamedMetric.
*nonPlayerCharacterNamesList.json -> names.json
*Added HUMAN.MALE.TRASH.VENDOR, a vendor NPC with no inventory, named 'Garbagorix'.
*Added DESCRIPTOR name group to names list.
*Added THING name group to names list.
*Added TOWN name group to names list.
*Crafting stations that required coal in their creation no longer do.
*Added crafting recipes for Pet Nametag and Barrel Trap.
*Added etc/settlements.json
*Added GENERAL.TRASH vendor.
*Fixed an issue with loot siphons and electrifryers not being visible when placed.
*Fixed another tile mapping.
*Added segmented button icons.
*Mobile limited to landscape orientation.
*Fixed a ton of server-side resource leaks.
*Added mobile repository and committed initial content.
*Added apps in iTunes Connect for iOS and MacOS clients.
*Added app in Google Play for Android client.
*Fixed audio temporarily (i.e. disabled) for mobile.
*Added support for placeable item phasing. This allows for placeable items to appear differently (phased) depending on the player who views them.
*All Shipwrecked Cargo in the procedural world are 'one use' per account. Meaning that a Shipwrecked Cargo item will disappear for all characters on an account once one character on that account has looted it.
*Added 'actingCharacterOnly' boolean property for RemovePlaceableItemCommand. If true and properties also contains a player character, then the placeable item is only removed from that player's client.'
*Added net.lugdunon.io.Hashable to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.io.HashableToString to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.phasing.IPhasingStrategy to the server-side code base
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.phasing.OnePerAccountPhasingStrategy to the server-side code base
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.phasing.OnePerCharacterPhasingStrategy to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.Tileset.getTilesetInfoHash() to the server-side api.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.phase(PlayerCharacter pc) to the server-side api.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.getPhasedState(PlayerCharacter pc) to the server-side api.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.getPhasingStrategy() to the server-side api.
*Added phasingState (java implementation class) property to the item definition json.
*Added support for calendar date / time modification during world generation (for setting and getting starting date / time).
*Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.IEnvironment.newCalendar(long time) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment.Environment.newCalendar(long time) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.getMaximumAllowableSecond() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.getMaximumAllowableMinute() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.getMaximumAllowableHour() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.getMaximumAllowableDay() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.getMaximumAllowableDate() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.getMaximumAllowableWeek() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.getMaximumAllowableMonth() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment.calendar.SimpleGaulishCalendar.getMaximumAllowableSecond() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment.calendar.SimpleGaulishCalendar.getMaximumAllowableMinute() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment.calendar.SimpleGaulishCalendar.getMaximumAllowableHour() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment.calendar.SimpleGaulishCalendar.getMaximumAllowableDay() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment.calendar.SimpleGaulishCalendar.getMaximumAllowableDate() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment.calendar.SimpleGaulishCalendar.getMaximumAllowableWeek() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.environment.calendar.SimpleGaulishCalendar.getMaximumAllowableMonth() to the client and server-side API.
*Added movementSpeedIncrease stat modifier. Yep, you can now move faster than a walk...
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_EXALTED to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_REVERED to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_HONOREDto the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_FRIENDLY to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_NEUTRAL to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_UNFRIENDLY to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_SUSPECT to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_HOSTILE to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_HATED  to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.FACTION_LEVEL_INVALID to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.hasEncounteredFaction (factionId) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.alterFactionStanding(factionId,amount) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.getFactionStanding(factionId) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.getFactionLevel(factionId) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.getBuyModifierForFactionLevel(factionLevel) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.getFactionLevelPercentage(factionId) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.getFactionStandingRangeForLevel(factionLevel) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.getFactionLevelName(factionLevel) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.getFactionLevelBarClass (factionLevel) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.stats.ICharacterStats.getMovementSpeed() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStats.hasEncounteredFaction (factionId) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStats.alterFactionStanding(factionId,amount) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStats.getFactionStanding(factionId) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStats.getFactionLevel(factionId) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStats.getBuyModifierForFactionLevel(factionLevel) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStats.getFactionLevelPercentage(factionId) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStats.getFactionStandingRangeForLevel(factionLevel) to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStats.getMovementSpeed() to the client and server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStats. STAT_KEY_MOVEMENT_SPEED_INCREASE to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStatAlterFactionStandingCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.condition.DialogResponseConditionCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.console.gm.AwardHonorificToPlayerCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.console.gm.AwardTitleToPlayerCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.character.SetCustomPaletteCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.edit.DumpScreenRegionCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.ClientExecutionCommand.
*Added 3 progressive levels of speed increase advancements (10%, 20%, and 40%).
*Drastically reduced item base costs for barrel o' animals.
*Fixed foreground / background rendering on BREW.KEG placeable item.
*Fixed foreground / background rendering on MARKET.SACK placeable item.
*Fixed foreground / background rendering on MARKET.SACKS placeable item.
*Fixed foreground / background rendering on MARKET.BIN placeable item.
*Fixed foreground / background rendering on MARKET.BIN placeable item.
*Fixed foreground / background rendering on WOOD.PILE.SINGLE placeable item.
*Fixed foreground / background rendering on SACK.SINGLE placeable item.
*Fixed foreground / background rendering on WOOD.PILES placeable item.
*Fixed foreground / background rendering on SACK.MULTIPLE placeable item.
*Ladders now have placement handler.
*Bridges now have a placement handler.
*Added produceType placeable item property.
*Added produceType of "Potato" for PLANT.POTATO placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Tomato" for PLANT.TOMATO placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Wheat" for PLANT.WHEAT placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Carrot" for PLANT.CARROT placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Artichoke" for PLANT.ARTICHOKE placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Pepper" for PLANT.PEPPER placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Cucumber" for PLANT.CUCUMBER placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Corn" for PLANT.CORN placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Flax" for PLANT.FLAX placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Hops" for PLANT.HOPS placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Barley" for PLANT.BARLEY placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Pumpkin" for PLANT.PUMPKIN placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Beet" for PLANT.SUGARBEET placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Mustard" for PLANT.MUSTARD placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Rosemary" for PLANT.ROSEMARY placeable item.
*Added produceType of "Sage" for PLANT.SAGE placeable item.
*Added a GM only dump screen region utility item.
*Added Aspect of the Wolf modifier. Increases movement speed by 20%.
*Added Aspect of the Wolf spell.
*Added Aspect of the Wolf scroll.
*Added Aspect of the Wolf scroll recipe.
*Added Mire modifier. Decreases movement speed by 80%.
*Added Mire spell.
*Added Mire scroll.
*Added Mire scroll recipe.
*Removed railed wooden bridge recipe.
*Added a snake bite attack, that administers a poison effect.
*Added Snake Poison modifier. DoT that causes a small amount of damage every 1.5 seconds for 7.5 seconds.
*Lamps and sconces should now be state traversable again.
*Added a brigand camp reward barrel.
*Added ascending and descending plain stairs.
*Added ascending and descending wooden stairs.
*Added ascending and descending stone stairs.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.metric.politics.FactionStandingAlteredMetric.
*Added a SUFFIX_BRIGAND section to names.json.
*Added a GAULISH_NOBLE_NAME section to names.json.
*Added a GAULISH_NOBLE_NAME section to names.json.
*Added a PROVINCE section to names.json.
*Added a PROVINCE section to names.json.
*Added a bunch of options to the GAULISH_FEMALE_NAME section of names.json.
*Added a bunch of options to the THING section of names.json.
*Added a bunch of options to the DESCRIPTOR section of names.json.
*Added animalType npc definition property.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.quest.condition.completion.reward.FactionReward.
*Removed railed wooden bridge recipe.
*Added the ability to click on a recipe ingredient item to see that item's recipe (if it can be crafted) in the cookbook (http://lugdunon.net/cookbook.html).
*Added a forgot account name / password option to the full activation page on lugdunon.net.
*Fixed a small error (null value) on the registration page on lugdunon.net when registering without an activation key.
*Added icons for mire and aspect of the wolf abilities Icons.png.
*Added icon for NPC snake poison icon to Icons.png.
*Added compass rose, needle, dead on indicator, and link icon to UI.png.
*Added stairs and stair shadow overlays to Tileset.png.
*Fixed vertical bridge tiles in Tileset.png.
*Fixed lunar phase icons in LunarPhases.png.
*Added support for variable movement speeds.
*Added support for player character relative distance to biomes values.
*Added snowman sprite definitions.
*Added snowman scarf.
*Added snowman tophat.
*Bats now have melee animations.
*Rats now have melee animations.
*Snakes now have melee animations.
*Added proper palette sections for the bat sprite.
*Added proper palette sections for the rat sprite.
*Added proper palette sections for the snake sprite.
*Added "Palmer" palette preset for cat.
*Added "Gnocchi" palette preset for dog.
*Added Golden, Red, Flaxen, Blue, Bubblegum, Vermillion, Purple, and Green palette presets for female human curly hair type.
*Added Flaxen, Red, Green, Blue, and Violet palette presets for female human ponytail hair type.
*Added Zombie, Red, Blue, Violet, and Golden palette presets for female human straight hair type.
*Added Red, Green, Blue, Violet, and Golden palette presets for female human weird hair type.
*Added Brown, Troglodyte, Dusky, Brick body palette presets for female human sprite.
*Added Zombie, and Troglodyte eye palette presets for female human sprite.
*Added Troglodyte, Flaxen, Red, Sand, Green, Blue, and Violet palette presets for male human beard hair type.
*Added Tan, Red, Yellow, Verdant, Cyan, Navy, and Purple band palette presets for male human hairband hair type.
*Added Troglodyte, Golden, Russet, Flame, Zombie, Highlights, Brown, Dark, Blue, and Violet hair palette presets for male human hairband hair type.
*Added Smooth, Gray, Amethyst, Troglodyte, Red, and Blue scalp palette presets for male human mohawk hair type.
*Added Bald, Gray, Amethyst, Troglodyte, Red, and Blue hair palette presets for male human mohawk hair type.
*Added Troglodyte, Moss, Red, and Blue palette presets for male human shaggy hair type.
*Added Brown, Troglodyte, Dusky, and Brick body palette presets for male human sprite.
*Added Zombie, and Troglodyte eye palette presets for male human sprite.
*Added Flame, Ice, and Pestilence  body palette presets for human skeleton sprite.
*Added game.forceReflow() function to force a redraw of a given element and its children.
*Added support for account property sharing with client-side.
*Added game.setAccountProps(res) to the client-side API.
*Added game.getAccountProp(propPath) to the client-side API.
*Added game.setAccountProp(propPath,propValue) to the client-side API.
*Moved audio play logic from game to net.lugdunon.asset.AssetManager.
*Fixed several issues with audio playback due to inclusion of the new audio promise API.
*Updated font awesome glyph set to latest.
*Added link icon to buttons.png.
*Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.state.dialogue.Response not properly initializing the hasCondition property.
*Fixed an issue with disappearing sprites when a sprite is changed programmatically (spell effect, armor removal due to breakage, etc.).
*Added location change event API to net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.chunk.ChunkManager to notify when a location boundary (biome, town, plot, etc) has been crossed.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.chunk.ChunkManager.registerLocationChangeListener(id,lcListener) to client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.chunk.ChunkManager.unregisterLocationChangeListener(id) to client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.chunk.ChunkManager.locationChangeOccurred(locationChangeText) to client-side API.
*Allowed setting and getting namespaced properties using arrays as well as '.' delimited names.
*Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.util.IndexedDBSecondaryStore not implementing the request blocked API.
*Added DataView.readObject(littleEndian) to client-side API.
*Added DataView.readArray(littleEndian) to client-side API.
*Added DataView.readLargeObject(littleEndian) to client-side API.
*Added DataView.readLargeArray(littleEndian) to client-side API.
*Added DataView.writeObject(value, littleEndian) to client-side API.
*Added DataView.writeArray(value, littleEndian) to client-side API.
*Added DataView.writeLargeObject(value, littleEndian) to client-side API.
*Added DataView.writeLargeArray(value, littleEndian) to client-side API.
*Added Array.removeAt(index) to client-side API.
*Added Array.find(key,value) to client-side API.
*Added Array.forEach(handler,context) to client-side API.
*Input validation support for <input type="signedinteger"/> added.
*Input validation support for <input type="signedreal"/> added.
*net.lugdunon.character.Character.pathCompletion value (0.0 - 1.0) now takes variable movement speed into account.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.NonPlayerCharacter.getOriginatingSettlement() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.PlayerCharacter.getFactionBuyModifier(npc) to the client-side API.
*Fixed honorific spacing in net.lugdunon.character.PlayerCharacter.prototype.getLabelSuffix()
*NPC spawner id is now communicated to the client-side.
*Added ASSET_MODE_POLITICS to net.lugdunon.command.core.ConnectToServerCommand.
*Added ASSET_MODE_SETTLEMENTS to net.lugdunon.command.core.ConnectToServerCommand.
*Added ASSET_MODE_DEITIES to net.lugdunon.command.core.ConnectToServerCommand.
*ConnectToServerCommand now handles politics data.
*ConnectToServerCommand now handles settlements data.
*ConnectToServerCommand now handles deities data.
*ConnectToServerCommand now handles gm custom sprite layer presets.
*ConnectToServerCommand now handles account properties.
*Added locationChange chat filter.
*Added faction chat filter.
*Added ability for (non-guest) players to save sprite palette presets. If player is a GM, their saved presets are made available to all players.
*Added save as preset (+) button to presets header of the sprite options panel in net.lugdunon.states.character.options.SelectableSpriteOption.html
*Added net.lugdunon.states.character.options.SpriteLayerOption.handleAddPreset() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.character.options.SpriteLayerOption.clearCustomPalettePresets(paletteDef) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.character.options.SpriteLayerOption.renderCustomPalettePresets(paletteDef) to the client-side API.
*Added support for an editModeConfigurableAction (in addition to configurableAction) for placeable item definitions.
*Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.modes.DumpScreenRegionMode to the client-side codebase. This mode allows for a selected region of the visible game world to be dumped to JSON.
*Fixed an issue where items were being improperly placed (in wrong location) using net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.modes.PlaceItemMode.
*Added a list detail dialog type.
*Removed net.lugdunon.ui.achievements.panel.BasePanel from the client-side code base.
*Removed net.lugdunon.ui.achievements.AchievementsDialog.html from the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.listDetail.BaseDetail to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.listDetail.BaseListDetailDialog to the client-side code base.
*net.lugdunon.ui.achievements.AchievementsDialog now extends net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.listDetail.BaseListDetailDialog.
*net.lugdunon.ui.achievements.panel.CategoryPanel now extends net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.listDetail.BaseDetail.
*net.lugdunon.ui.achievements.panel.StatisticsPanel now extends net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.listDetail.BaseDetail.
*net.lugdunon.ui.achievements.panel.SummaryPanel now extends net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.listDetail.BaseDetail.
*Fixed a redraw artifact in net.lugdunon.ui.advancements.AdvancementsDialog.
*Fixed color scaling in net.lugdunon.ui.color.HSVColorPicker.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.color.ColorPickerDialog.getColorValue(index) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.color.ColorPickerDialog.getPaletteLength() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.color.HSVColorPicker.toggleValueChanged(toggle) to the client-side API.
*Changed text of copy button from "Copy Error to Clipboard" to "Copy to Clipboard" in net.lugdunon.ui.dialog.CopyableLargeTextDialog.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.icon.PoliticsIcon to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.icon.SimpleIcon.iconOffset (point object) to the client-side API.
*net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.slot.InventorySlotInteraction now passes npcId to CORE.COMMAND.SELL.ITEM.VENDOR command.
*net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.sub.Repair now factors in faction buy modifier.
*net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.sub.Vendor now factors in faction buy modifier.
*net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.sub.Vendor now passes vendorInstance in net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.slot.InventorySlotInteraction.enableDeleteDropTarget().
*Fixed an issue with the character type text mouseover label in net.lugdunon.ui.npc.NPCEditorDialog.
*Fixed an issue with the edit requirement text mouseover label in net.lugdunon.ui.quest.sub.Requirements.
*Trimmed down net.lugdunon.util.Color implementation. Moved original to net.lugdunon.util.LegacyColor.
*Removed net.lugdunon.util.Color.toIndex(v0,v1,v2,grade) from client-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.util.Color.colorizeSingle(rgb,hsl) from client-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.util.Color.colorize(canvas,hsl) from client-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.util.Color.GRADEP from client-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.util.Color.GRADEP2 from client-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.util.Color.GRADE from client-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.util.Color.RGB_TO_HSL_LUT from client-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.util.Color.HSL_TO_RGB_LUT from client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.politics.PoliticsDialog to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.politics.panel.FactionPanel to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.politics.panel.ProvincePanel to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.GENDER_UNSPECIFIED to the server-side API.
*net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.setAppearance(JSONArray appearance, int index) will now assign a random appearance if there is an issue with the provided assignment.
*Fixed an issue with loading NPC behaviors.
*NPCs will now continue to process behaviors during current step only if current behavior is greedy.
*Fixed an issue with awarding loot and experience in net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.handleHealthChangeEvent(final int healthChangeType, final int causeType, final Object cause).
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.hasBehaviorContextVariable(String id) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter. getOriginatingSettlement() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.NonPlayerCharacter.alterFactionStandings(PlayerCharacter killer) to the server-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.buybackItem(int si) from the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.buybackItem(NonPlayerCharacter npc, int si) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.PlayerCharacter.getFactionBuyModifier(NonPlayerCharacter npc) to the server-side API.
*Added faction.kill.npc.reward world config property to allow server admins to set the amount of reputation awarded when killing a faction enemy NPC. Integer value. Defaults to 5.
*Added faction.kill.npc.penalty world config property to allow server admins to set the amount of reputation awarded when killing a faction friendly NPC. Integer value. Defaults to -10.
*Added icon for bite attack.
*Added icon for the spell "Aspect of the Wolf".
*Added icon for the spell "Mire".
*Added stair overlay tiles.
*Added ascending / descending stair overlay tiles.
*Added wooden stair tiles.
*Added stone stair tiles.
*Fixed vertical oriented bridge tiles.
*Added compass ui elements (rose, needle, and dead on indicator).
*Added link button graphic.
*Fixed the lunar phase progression.
*Sprite layer images can now be sorted by hue, for more meaningful presentation.=
*Removed net.lugdunon.asset.manager.FileSystemAssetManager.loadImage(String manifestKey, String manifestEntry) from the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.asset.manager.FileSystemAssetManager.loadImage(String manifestKey, String manifestEntry, boolean sortByHue) to the server-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.asset.manager.InMemorySystemAssetManager.loadImage(String manifestKey, String manifestEntry) from the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.asset.manager.InMemorySystemAssetManager.loadImage(String manifestKey, String manifestEntry, boolean sortByHue) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.character.SetCustomPaletteCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.condition.DialogResponseConditionCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.console.gm.AwardHonorificToPlayerCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.console.gm.AwardTitleToPlayerCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.edit.DumpScreenRegionCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.ClientExecutionCommand.
*net.lugdunon.command.core.character.SetHonorificCommand is now capable of being invoked server-side (implements IServerInvokedCommand).
*net.lugdunon.command.core.character.SetTitleCommand is now capable of being invoked server-side (implements IServerInvokedCommand).
*Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.command.core.console.gm.NPCStatusCommand possibly causing exception when logging the current behaviour state for a given NPC.
*net.lugdunon.command.core.console.LocCommand now reports the province for a given location (if available).
*net.lugdunon.command.core.edit.PlaceItemCommand now uses the item's placement handler to determine if placement is possible.
*Removed net.lugdunon.command.core.edit.PlaceItemCommand.violatesLayerRestrictions(Item itemDef, Point location, Instance instance, String state, boolean placedByGM) from the server-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.command.core.edit.PlaceItemCommand.sizeOfOne(Item itemDef) from the server-side API.
*Removed net.lugdunon.command.core.edit.PlaceItemCommand.violatesExistingPlaceable(Item itemDef, Point location, Instance instance) from the server-side API.
*Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.ItemDurabilityUpdateCommand causing client exception with certain items and / or game states.
*Fixed an issue net.lugdunon.command.core.play.InstanceTransitionCommand's progress dialog.
*Fixed an issue net.lugdunon.command.core.play.PlaceableStateChange not allowing state changes during edit mode.
*Fixed an issue net.lugdunon.command.core.spell.AssignSpellCommand causing client exceptions in certain cases.
*Fixed an issue net.lugdunon.command.core.spell.ModifierApplyCommand causing client exceptions in certain cases.
*Fixed an issue net.lugdunon.command.core.trigger.DialogTriggeredActionCommand causing server exceptions in certain cases.
*Removed net.lugdunon.command.core.vendor.RepairItemCommand.repairItem(Character character, int slotType, int slotIndex) from the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.vendor.RepairItemCommand.repairItem(PlayerCharacter pc, NonPlayerCharacter npc, int slotType, int slotIndex) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.io.EnhancedDataInputStream.readJSONObject() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.io.EnhancedDataInputStream.readJSONArray() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.io.EnhancedDataInputStream.readLargeJSONObject() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.io.EnhancedDataInputStream.readLargeJSONArray() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.io.EnhancedDataOutputStream.writeJSONObject(JSONObject object) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.io.EnhancedDataOutputStream.writeJSONArray(JSONArray array) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.io.EnhancedDataOutputStream.writeLargeJSONObject(JSONObject object) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.io.EnhancedDataOutputStream.writeLargeJSONArray(JSONArray array) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.Point to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VEdge to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VEdge to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VEvent to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VEvent to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VEventQueue to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.Voronoi to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.Voronoi to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VParabola to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VParabola to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VPoint to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VPolygon to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VPolygon to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.voronoi.VQueue to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Dimension. to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Dimension(Dimension dim) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Line to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Line to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Point to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Point(Point p) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Point.toSimpleString() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Point.distance(Point p) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Point.toArray() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Polygon to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Polygon to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Rect to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.math.Rect(Point pos, Dimension dim) to the server-side API.
[[Category:Releases|Upcoming Release]]
[[Category:Releases|Upcoming Release]]

Latest revision as of 15:14, 7 July 2019

Engine Content: This information applies to the engine and therefore to all servers.


Last Updated: 07/07/2019

Mods altered in this update:

Server mods altered in this update:

/etc files altered in this update:

Release Notes: