Difference between revisions of "Upcoming Release"

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''Last Updated: 07/07/2019''
''Last Updated: 18/07/2014''
Mods altered in this update:
Mods altered in this update:
Server mods altered in this update:
Server mods altered in this update:
/etc files altered in this update:
/etc files altered in this update:
Release Notes:
Release Notes:
*Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.setProp() not actually setting anything.
*Fixed some issues with pulses expiring prematurely.
*Fixed an issue that was preventing unpowered fence gates from being actuated manually.
*Fixed an issues with net.lugdunon.ui.icon.IconSelectorDialog.createIconDOM that was causing the tooltip to render improperly for recipes.
[[Category:Releases|Upcoming Release]]
*Fixed an issue with information conduits in net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.setInventoryItem().
*Implemented the arc information system.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.informationProvider boolean property.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.informationConsumer boolean property.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.matterProvider boolean property.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.matterConsumer boolean property.
*Reordered the layout of the conduit groups in the net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.sub.ConduitConfiguration.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.recipe.RecipeSelectorDialog to allow for the selection of recipes.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.InputUtils to assist with input element validation.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.RadialMenu for actions that have multiple sub-actions.
*Added net.lugdunon.util.Math.degToRad(a) to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.util.Math.rotate(p,o,angle) to the client-side API.
*Added an ACTION_TRAVERSAL icon.
*Added an CLOTH_WOOL_RED icon.
*Added an CLOTH_WOOL_ORANGE icon.
*Added an CLOTH_WOOL_YELLOW icon.
*Added an CLOTH_WOOL_GREEN icon.
*Added an CLOTH_WOOL_BLUE icon.
*Added an CLOTH_WOOL_VIOLET icon.
*Added an EMBLEM_SPEAKER icon.
*Added support in net.lugdunon.state.compendium.rest.BaseCodexRESTHandler for a 'starts with' context match in addition the already present 'equals' match.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.compendium.rest.BaseCodexRESTHandler.setStartsWith() to server-side API.
*Added support to net.lugdunon.world.defaults.compendium.craftingRecipes.CodexRESTHandler for listing only the crafting recipes currently known by a give player character. For instance, to see the recipes known for the player 'Nitocris', the corresponding URL would be: 'http://server:port/rest/net/lugdunon/state/compendium/codex/crafting/recipes/Nitocris'.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.arc.ArcInformationValueCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.arc.GetArcInformationCommand.
*Arc batteries are now information providers, with the Iout0 conduit reporting the capacity as a percentage, the Iout1 conduit reporting the current raw capacity, the Iout2 conduit reporting the maximum raw capacity, and the Iout3 conduit reporting the current arc output per pulse.
*Chicken coops are now information providers, with the single Iout conduit reporting the current amount of eggs present in the coop.
*Added 'Red Wool Cloth' item and recipe.
*Added 'Orange Wool Cloth' item and recipe.
*Added 'Yellow Wool Cloth' item and recipe.
*Added 'Green Wool Cloth' item and recipe.
*Added 'Blue Wool Cloth' item and recipe.
*Added 'Violet Wool Cloth' item and recipe.
*Added 'EQ Comparison Arc Switch' item and recipe. This item will switch the supplied power on if the information inputs are equal to each other.
*Added 'NE Comparison Arc Switch' item and recipe. This item will switch the supplied power on if the information inputs are not equal to each other.
*Added 'LT Comparison Arc Switch' item and recipe. This item will switch the supplied power on if the value for Iin0 is less than the value for Iin1.
*Added 'GT Comparison Arc Switch' item and recipe. This item will switch the supplied power on if the value for Iin0 is greater than the value for Iin1.
*Added 'Information Splitter' item and recipe. This item will take the supplied information and propagate it through up to five outputs.
*Added 'Decimal Information Provider' item and recipe. This item provides a decimal value that can be configured by the item's owner.
*Added 'Integer Information Provider' item and recipe. This item provides an integer (whole number) value that can be configured by the item's owner.
*Added 'Crafting Recipe Information Provider' item and recipe. This item provides a crafting recipe value that can be configured by the item's owner.
*Added support for net.lugdunon.command.core.arc.GetArcLogicStateCommand to return arc information comparison state data in addition to arc logic state data.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.action.configure.information.EditInformationValueAction to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.comparison.EQInformationComparisonArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.comparison.GTInformationComparisonArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.comparison.InformationComparisonArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.comparison.LTInformationComparisonArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.comparison.NEInformationComparisonArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.ChickenCoopInformationProviderArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.CraftingRecipeInformationProviderArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.DoubleInformationProviderArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.IInformationProviderArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.LongInformationProviderArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.SplitterArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.StringInformationProviderArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.ex.InformationContractViolatedException to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.ex.UncomparableException to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.IMatterConsumerArcHandler to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.IMatterProviderArcHandler to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.indexOf(int slotType) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.indexOfSibling(int slotType) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.getSibling() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.getActiveSiblingLocation(int block) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance. to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance. to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.information.comparison.InformationComparisonTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.information.BaseInformationProviderTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.information.CraftingRecipeInformationProviderTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.information.DoubleInformationProviderTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.information.LongInformationProviderTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.information.StringInformationProviderTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
*Batteries can now be configured using a decimal or integer information provider to set the arc output per pulse.
*Arc handlers now attempt to create the necessary user-defined data if not already present.
*Rewrote the arc power / logic state system. New implementation is much more robust, and supports feedback loops, arc pulse persistence, and EOL termination.
*Added ability to persist arc power state when a server is shut down. Doesn't currently properly though...
*Added ability to flag placeable items as 'visibleByPlacerOnly'. If this flag is set to true, then the placeable item instance will not be sent to a client that is not currently playing the character that placed that item.
*Improved the utility of arc power related tooltips, with information such as I/O designation, current conduit configuration, and arc logic state.
*Added an arc power relay item. Relays function much like a real-world electrical relay, in that if the input signal is 'on', then the relay will pass the supply pulse to its output.
*Added an arc power splitter item. Splitters take a single input and allow up to 5 output connections.
*Fence gates are now capable of being actuated via the arc power system. If the supply power is 'on', the gate will be open, and the gate will close if the supply power is 'off'. If no input conduit is configured for the fence gate, it will operate normally (via player interaction).
*Pressure plates are now in game. Pressure plates are arc power switches that are 'on' when a character is standing upon them. A pressure plate will be invisible to all but the player that placed who placed it.
*Added a new crafting discipline: Tinkering.
*Added a new advancement chain for Tinkering.
*Added a Tinkering Bench item and crafting recipe.
*Added crafting recipes for all of the new arc power items. With the exception of the three conduit pairs (which are crafted via Alchemy), all of the new items are crafted using Tinkering.
*Removed net.lugdunon.command.core.arc.ArcPulsePropagationCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.arc.ArcResetCommand.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.arc.GetArcLogicStateCommand.
*Fixed some issues with the new blend mode designation for placeable items. Effects will now display, and foreground and background layers can each have their own blend mode defined.
*Fixed some issues with needless retriggering of game.showTooltip() / game.hideTooltip() when a cursor move over a placeable is detected.
*Fixed an issue with the net.lugdunon.command.core.arc.TogglePowerCommand nor correctly informing all placeable items active on a given client.
*Updated the Tupelo tileset, ui, and icons mod to reflect the updates that Becca had submitted for June.
*Added Namespace.setNamespacedProperty(object,propertyKey,properyValue) to client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.showTooltip() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.hideTooltip() to the client-side API.
*Added game.tooltipUpdated() to the client-side API. This is useful for dynamic tooltips that update their content, and calling this function will resize and position the updated tooltip.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.visibleByPlacerOnly boolean property.
*Added icon for ARC_PRESSURE_PLATE.
*Added icon for ARC_RELAY.
*Added icon for ARC_SPLITTER.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.PressurePlateArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.RelayArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.SplitterArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.SwitchedFenceGateArcHandler.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.ArcElementTooltipExtension to the client-side API.
*Added a notification to net.lugdunon.state.item.manifestation.FencingGateManifestationHandler.toggle(placeableItemInstance,inputBegan,state) when a player attempts to manually actuate a fence gate that is currently configured for arc power.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.isVisibleByPlacerOnly() to the server-side API.
*Modified net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemCache.newPlaceableItemReference(Item itemDef, Point location, String state, boolean placedByGM, String placer, String crafter, JSONObject userDefinedData) to provide all information needed to construct a new placeable item instance.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.World.saveArcState() to the server-side API. Saves arc state to etc/arcState.json.
* Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.findSlotWithItem() not looking in the crafting inventory slots.
* Fixed an issue with the net.lugdunon.state.item.tooltip.ConduitTooltipExtension not updating the first (of a pair) conduit's information immediately after being split.
* Fixed an issue with the MailCache prematurely registering itself as an updateable.
* Updated Tupelo art assets to include new tiles for basalt, granite, water, snow, and ice.
*Power is now implemented.
*Logic gates (utilizing the new power systems) implemented.
* Inventory updates can now be pushed to a client even if that client didn't initiate the action that resulted in the update.
* Street lamps and wall sconces are now controlled via arc power. If a player places either of these lightsources now, they must be connected to an arc power source to light the environment. If placed by a GM, no external arc power source is required.
* Added game.isTooltipVisible() to the client-side API.
* game.hideLabel() and game.hideTooltip() now clear their element's contents as well as hide the element.
* Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.arcGenerator boolean property.
* Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.arcConsumer boolean property.
* Completed the conduit configuration UI.
* Added a lava boolean property (similar to the water property) to the terrain layer data structure.
* Added an icon def: ARC_LOGIC_GATE_NOT.
* Added an icon def: ARC_LOGIC_GATE_AND.
* Added an icon def: ARC_LOGIC_GATE_NAND.
* Added an icon def: ARC_LOGIC_GATE_OR.
* Added an icon def: ARC_LOGIC_GATE_NOR.
* Added an icon def: ARC_LOGIC_GATE_EOR.
* Added an icon def: ARC_LOGIC_GATE_ENOR.
* Added an icon def: ARC_GENERATOR_GEOTHERMAL.
* Added an icon def: ARC_GENERATOR_HYDRO.
* Added an icon def: ARC_GENERATOR_WIND.
* Added an icon def: ARC_GENERATOR_NEMETON.
* Added an icon def: ARC_GENERATOR_SOLAR.
* Added an icon def: ARC_BATTERY.
* Added an icon def: ARC_SWITCH_HORIZONTAL.
* Added an icon def: ARC_SWITCH_VERTICAL.
* Added net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.GetUserDefinedDataCommand.
* Added net.lugdunon.command.core.arc.ArcPulsePropagationCommand.
* Added net.lugdunon.command.core.arc.TogglePowerCommand.
* Added an arc.pulse.reset.frequency world configuration property.
* Added an arc NOT logic gate item.
* Added an arc AND logic gate item.
* Added an arc NAND logic gate item.
* Added an arc OR logic gate item.
* Added an arc NOR logic gate item.
* Added an arc EOR logic gate item.
* Added an arc ENOR logic gate item.
* Added a geothermal arc generator item.
* Added a hydro arc generator item.
* Added a wind arc generator item.
* Added a nemeton arc generator item.
* Added a solar arc generator item.
* Added a 'carnutian nemeton' item.
* Added an arc battery item.
* Added a horizontal (floor-mounted) arc switch item.
* Added a vertical (wall-mounted) arc switch item.
* Added outdoorOnly and indoorOnly properties to item definitions.
* Added a net.lugdunon.state.item.action.ConduitPairActionHandler.
* Added support for ArcPulse objects in net.lugdunon.command.CommandProperties.
* net.lugdunon.state.item.action.DefaultActionHandler now checks if an item can be placed indoors or outdoors.
* net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.MoveInventoryItemCommand.isContainerOrKeyed changed to  net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.MoveInventoryItemCommand.prototype.isContainerConduitOrKeyed.
* net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.RemoveInventoryItemCommand.isContainerOrKeyed changed to net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.RemoveInventoryItemCommand.prototype.isContainerConduitOrKeyed.
* An items' placedLocation now also contains the inventory block.
* Conduit pair removal now looks in inventory items as well.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemCache.listItemsWithUserDefinedData() to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemCache.listItemsWithPlaceableUserDefinedData() to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.hasUserDefinedData() to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.hasPlaceableUserDefinedData() to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.getArcHandler() to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.isPowered() to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getGlobalPropertyAsInt(String key) to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getGlobalPropertyAsLong(String key) to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getArcManager() to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.world.environment.calendar.BaseCalendar.isDaytime() to the server-side API.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.ArcManager to the server-side code base.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.ArcPulse to the server-side code base.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.action.update.SolarArcGeneratorUpdateAction to the server-side code base.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.logic.ANDGateArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.logic.ENORGateArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.logic.EORGateArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.logic.LogicGateArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.logic.NANDGateArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.logic.NORGateArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.logic.NOTGateArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.logic.ORGateArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.BaseArcHandler to the server-side code base.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.BatteryArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.CraftingStationArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.GeneratorArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.IArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.SolarGeneratorArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.SwitchArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.SwitchedLightingArcHandler.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.ArcBatteryTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.ArcLogicGateTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
* Added net.lugdunon.state.item.manifestation.ArcSwitchManifestationHandler.
*Item instance id is now displayed in item tooltips.
*Fixed the text shadowing in buttons.
*Added support for item lifecycle handlers.
*Broke ground on the automation system with the creation of conduits.
*Added a general crafting workstation: the craft bench.
*Added an arcane conduit pair for energy item.
*Added an arcane conduit pair for matter item.
*Added an arcane conduit pair for information item.
*Added an arcane conduit for energy item.
*Added an arcane conduit for matter item.
*Added an arcane conduit for information item.
*Added etc/globalProperties.json.
*Added net.lugdunon.command.core.play.SplitConduitCommand.
*Changed the assign spell tool definition property 'spell' to 'creates'.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.CONDUIT_ENERGY_IN_BLOCK.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.CONDUIT_ENERGY_OUT_BLOCK.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.CONDUIT_MATTER_IN_BLOCK.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.CONDUIT_MATTER_OUT_BLOCK.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.CONDUIT_INFORMATION_IN_BLOCK.
*Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.CONDUIT_INFORMATION_OUT_BLOCK.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.conduit to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.conduitEnergyInSize to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.conduitEnergyOutSize to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.conduitMatterInSize to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.conduitMatterOutSize to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.conduitInformationInSize to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.conduitInformationOutSize to the client-side API.
*net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.conduit.energyIn to the client-side API.
*net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.conduit.energyOut to the client-side API.
*net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.conduit.matterIn to the client-side API.
*net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.conduit.matterOut to the client-side API.
*net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.conduit.informationIn to the client-side API.
*net.lugdunon.world.placeables.PlaceableItemInstance.conduit.informationOut to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.ui.inventory.sub.ConduitConfiguration to the client-side code base.
*Added ITEM_CONDUIT_ENERGY_PAIR to the clover and tupelo UI icon assets.
*Added ITEM_CONDUIT_MATTER_PAIR to the clover and tupelo UI icon assets.
*Added ITEM_CONDUIT_INFORMATION_PAIR to the clover and tupelo UI icon assets.
*Added ITEM_CONDUIT_ENERGY to the clover and tupelo UI icon assets.
*Added ITEM_CONDUIT_MATTER to the clover and tupelo UI icon assets.
*Added ITEM_CONDUIT_INFORMATION to the clover and tupelo UI icon assets.
*Added ITEM_CRAFT_BENCH to the clover and tupelo UI icon assets.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.findSlotWithItem(long itemInstanceId) to server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.action.configure.IConfigureAction.prototype.getLabel() to the client-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.action.configure.EditConduitsConfigureAction to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.action.configure.MultipleConfigurationActions to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.tooltip.ConduitTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.lifecycle.IItemLifecycleHandler to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.lifecycle.BaseItemLifecycleHandler to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.lifecycle.ConduitItemLifecycleHandler to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemLocation to the server-side code base.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.isConduit() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setConduit(boolean conduit) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.getConduitEnergyInSize() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setConduitEnergyInSize(int conduitEnergyInSize) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.getConduitEnergyOutSize() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setConduitEnergyOutSize(int conduitEnergyOutSize) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.getConduitMatterInSize() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setConduitMatterInSize(int conduitMatterInSize) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.getConduitMatterOutSize() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setConduitMatterOutSize(int conduitMatterOutSize) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.getConduitInformationInSize() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setConduitInformationInSize(int conduitInformationInSize) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.getConduitInformationOutSize() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setConduitInformationOutSize(int conduitInformationOutSize) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemCache.newItem(Item itemDef, JSONObject userDefinedData, JSONObject placeableUserDefinedData) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemCache.listItemsOfType(String itemType) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemCache.listItemsOfSubType(String itemType, String itemSubType) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.getPlacedLocation() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.mail.MailCache.listMail() to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.World.setGlobalProperty(String key, Object value) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getGlobalProperty(String key) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.World.hasGlobalProperty(String key) to the server-side API.
*Added net.lugdunon.state.World.saveGlobalProperties() to the server-side API.

Latest revision as of 15:14, 7 July 2019

Engine Content: This information applies to the engine and therefore to all servers.


Last Updated: 07/07/2019

Mods altered in this update:

Server mods altered in this update:

/etc files altered in this update:

Release Notes: