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|Build a standalone client using Awesomium, CEF, or some similar lib.
|Build a standalone client using Awesomium, CEF, or some similar lib.

Revision as of 15:06, 9 January 2014

Feature Component Status Comments
Default Campaign Phase II (Bibracte) Game Data In Progress 0.5.11+ Need a showcase campaign.
Currency Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.11 Implement a currency system.
NPC Vendors Core Engine In Progress 0.5.11 Add NPC vendors.
Spell Reagents Core / Client Engine In Progress 0.5.11 Implement the spell reagent system so that alchemy is good for something.
WebGL Renderer Core Engine Future Implement WebGL renderer for enhanced graphics experience.
Z-Order Rendering Revisit Core Engine Future Refactor placeable and character z-order rendering.
Mod Loader Core Engine Future Add support for loading mods without collisions.
Weather Core Engine Future
Procedural Generation Core Engine Future Provide the tools necessary for allowing the procedural generation of landscapes, placeable items, NPCs, quests, etc.
Quest / Dialogue Editor Game Editor Future Add questing system and dialogue editor.
Achievements Editor Game Editor Future Add capability to add / edit achievements.
NPC Equipment Editor Game Editor Future Add capability to add equipment / loot via NPC editor.
NPC Behavior Editor Game Editor Future Add capability to edit behaviors via NPC editor.
NPC Vendor Editor Game Editor Future Add capability to edit vendors.
Screenshots Client Engine Future Allow players to take screenshots.
Standalone Client Client Engine Future Build a standalone client using Awesomium, CEF, or some similar lib.
Inventory Interaction for Mobile Client Engine Complete 0.5.10 Implement a method for users on tables to interact with inventory screens.
UI Settings Client Engine Complete 0.5.10 Implement a UI settings pane and refactor / pull in display flags code.
Mail Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.10 Implement in game postal system.
Stamina Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.9 Implement the stamina system (make actions require stamina).
Passive Regen Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.9 Implement a passive regen system for health and stamina.
Achievements Core Engine Complete 0.5.8 Add achievements system.
Server REST API Core Engine / Server Complete 0.5.8 Add expandable REST API system.
Player Housing / Gate Protection Core Engine Complete 0.5.7 Allow players to set access restrictions (keying) on gates and houses.
Drinking Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.6 Add the ability to drink. Drinking should bestow various effects.
Brewing Crafting Profession Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.6 Add the crafting profession to allow players to brew beverages.
Console Parameter Filtering Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.4 Add the ability to add parameter filters to /console commands.
Mini-map Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.4
Dates Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.4 Add dates in addition to time, to allow for implementation of things like moon phases, and seasons.
Live Scrolling Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.4 Add support for live scrolling.
Full Screen Support Client Engine Complete 0.5.4 Add support for a full screen mode.
Hi Res Support Client Engine Complete 0.5.4 Add support for higher resolutions (up to 1920×1080).
Resize Without Client Reload Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.4 Add support for resizing the client window without requiring a client restart.
Buffs / Debuffs Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.3 Implement a buff / debuff system.
Tooltips Client Engine Complete 0.5.3 Implement a tooltip system for displaying information on spells, buffs, etc.
Death Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.3 Properly implement a ‘death / dead’ state for NPCs and players.
Spell System Core Engine Complete 0.5.2 Design and implement a spell casting system.
Homing Conch Game Data / Core Engine Complete 0.5.1 Add support for Homing Conchs as a method for quickly traveling to your home point.
Casting Times + Interrupts Core Engine Complete 0.5.1 Add support for casting times on actions, and the ability to interrupt a cast in progress.
Add a PVP-Centered Map Game Data Complete 0.5.0 Add a map for PVP.
Targeting Core / Client Engine Complete 0.5.0 Add ability to target NPCS.
Combat System Overhaul Core Engine Complete 0.5.0 Combat sucks. Rewrite it.
Parties (Grouping) Server / Client Engine Complete 0.4.10 Add the ability for players to group into parties.
Unit Frames Client Engine Complete 0.4.10 Add support for unit frames.
Add Skeletons Core Assets Complete 0.4.10 Add human skeletons to the default art assets mod.
Add Animals Part II Core Assets Complete 0.4.9 Add sheep, cows, and dogs to the default art assets mod.
Keybinding / Key assignment API Client Engine Complete 0.4.9 Allow players to bind keys, and provide an easy interface for modders to specify key actions.
WASD Movement Client Engine Complete 0.4.9 Allow WASD and arrow keys to move player character.
Add Animals Part I Core Assets Complete 0.4.8 Add pigs, chickens, and cats to the default art assets mod.
Add Female Humans Core Assets Complete 0.4.8 Add female humans to the default art assets mod.
Implement Fence Gates Core Engine Complete 0.4.8 Add fence gates that can be opened and closed by players.
Implement Input Queue Client Engine Complete 0.4.8 Add a queueing system for input so input events aren’t dropped at lower framerates.
localStorage -> indexedDB / Web SQL for Caching Client Engine Complete 0.4.8 Need to soar past that 5mb hard limit. :/
Ambient Sound Configuration Client Engine Complete 0.4.8 Implement ability configure sound emanators in game.
Volume Settings Panel Client Engine Complete 0.4.8 Implement settings panel for controlling volume levels.
Player Housing Core Engine Complete 0.4.8 Allow players to craft and place houses.
Ranged Combat Core Engine Complete 0.4.8 Implement ranged combat.
Guest User Login Game Data Complete 0.4.7 Implement temporary guest login.
Default Campaign Phase I (Farmhouse) Game Data Complete 0.4.6 Need a showcase campaign.
Ambient Sounds Client Engine Complete 0.4.6 Implement ability to place ambient sounds in the game world.
NPC Loot Table Core Engine Complete 0.4.5 NPCs need to drop loot on death.
NPC Dialogue Server / Client Engine Complete 0.4.5 Implement NPC dialogue system.
Console Overhaul Client Engine Complete 0.4.3 Re-implement console to be less clunky.
Client Settings UI Client Engine Complete 0.4.3 Add a UI to allow players to adjust client settings.
Complete Animations Core Engine Complete 0.4.2 Add animations for tool use, attacking, dying, and casting.
Character Sprite Overhaul Server / Client Engine Complete 0.4.2 Overhaul sprite code to allow for compositing to take place on server side, and to allow for the new character art.
Player Metrics Core Engine Complete 0.4.1 Add a player metrics tracking system.
Questing Core Engine Complete 0.4.1 Add questing system.
Underground / Interior Instances Core Engine Complete 0.4.0 Add separate instances for underground and building interiors.
Day / Night Cycle Core Engine Complete 0.3.4 Implemented as part of the environment subsystem.
Subsystems API Core Engine Complete 0.3.4 Implement engine subsystems API.
Mod API Core Engine Complete 0.3.4 Implement basic mod API.
Elevation Editor Refactoring Core / Client Engine Complete 0.3.4 Make elevation editor easier to use.
Ace Integration Client Complete 0.3.3 Integrate the Ace Code Editor with the client.
Client Macro Editor Client Complete 0.3.3 Add editor for client-side macros.
Client Macros Client Complete 0.3.3 Add support for client-side macros.
Assign Command OPCODEs Core Engine Complete 0.3.3 Dynamically assign OPCODEs for commands on startup.
Audio Support Core / Client Engine Complete 0.3.3 Add support audio in asset management as well as playback on the client.
Campfires Game Complete Can melt snow. Need replenishing with fuel (wood). Can be extinguished with a water bucket.
Buckets Game Complete Can be filled with water.
Farming (Hoes) Game Complete Players can alter terrain by tilling earth. Planting and harvesting crops.
Terrain Gen Utility Modding Complete
Recipe Editor Game Editor Complete
Advancements UI Game Complete
Advancements Core Engine Complete
Character Stats Core Engine Complete
Initial Combat Implementation Core Engine Complete
NPC Spawner Configuration Game Editor Complete
NPC Spawner Core Engine Complete
NPC Editor Game Editor Complete
Containers Game Complete
Sign Editing Game Editor, Game Complete
Containers Game Complete
Placing and Deleting Items Game Editor Complete
NPC Behavior Core Engine Complete
NPCs Core Engine Complete
Crafting Core Engine Complete
Placeable Items Core Engine Complete
Items Core Engine Complete
Player Characters Core Engine Complete
Characters Core Engine Complete
Terrain Elevation Editor Game Editor Complete
Terrain Layer Editor Game Editor Complete
Terrain Chunking and Loading Core Engine Complete
Terrain Format Implementation Core Engine Complete