Upcoming Release
From LugdunonWiki
Last Updated: 04/24/2015
Mods altered in this update:
- net.lugdunon.currency.gsc
- net.lugdunon.world.clover.tui
- net.lugdunon.world.tupelo.tui
- net.lugdunon.world.clover.sprite
Server mods altered in this update:
- net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.defaults
/etc files altered in this update:
- areaOfEffectDefinitions.json
- items.json
- itemBaseCosts.json
- recipes.json
Release Notes:
- Rats are now capable of attack, and grant experience when slain.
- Streetlamps are now configurable with the wrench.
- Added a minimum planting radius property to placeable items. Defines the minimum safe distance for when an item is placed programmatically.
- Added a tent placeable item, instance template, and recipe. This will allow players a much lower barrier of entry to creating housing.
- Added a mistletoe item. Rarely harvested from a mature oak tree with a scythe. This item currently has no uses.
- Added CORE.ELECTRIFRY.LEVEL.ONE area of effect for use with the new Electrifier tinkered item.
- Flowers and trees now have layer restrictions (Dirt, Grass, and Snow).
- Arcane Reliquaries now require less energy to harvest.
- Fixed an issue that was causing bridges to not expire when destroyed.
- Added stone fencing (item, and recipe).
- Added stone gates (item, and recipe).
- Added a Bronze Rod item and recipe.
- Added a Bronze Sheet item and recipe.
- Added a Bronze Horn item and recipe.
- Added a Gold Rod item and recipe.
- Added a Gold Sheet item and recipe.
- Added a Rat Bite NPC attack.
- Added a new tinkered item and recipe in 4 grades (copper, bronze, iron, and gold) called an Arc-Powered Loot Siphon. This item serves as a container and when powered, will suck up loot from NPCs that have been slain by the environment.
- Added a new tinkered item and recipe called an Arc-Powered Electrifier. This item, when powered, will caused an AOE air-based damage pulse to all NPCs nearby.
- Added a 'stealth' version of the Arc-Powered Electrifier. Functions exactly the same as the regular electrifrier, but is undetectable by players other than the owner.
- Arc switches and relays are now capable of switching or relaying up to 5 inputs to their respective outputs.
- Arc-stabilized teleporters now have a proper description.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.LootSiphonMatterArcHandler.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.ElectrifryerArcHandler.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.lootConsumer.ILootConsumer to the server-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.lootConsumer.LootSiphonLootConsumer to the server-side code base.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.manifestation.LootSiphonManifestationHandler.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.item.tooltip.LootSiphonTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
- Added EFFECTS.AIR.ELECTRIFRY sprite asset.
- Added EFFECTS.LIGHT.HOLYFIRE sprite asset.
- Added a dungeon item indicator icon (for items used in procedurally generated dungeons).
- Added /ip/ REST service to the auth server for retrieving a client's externally accessible ip address.
- Added total activated accounts to the /fullReport auth server REST service.
- Created API to allow for currency to be easily converted to and from currency items.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.currency.ICurrency.toItems() to the server-side API.
- Added net.lugdunon.state.currency.ICurrency.fromItems(List<ItemInstance> value) to the server-side API.
- Implemented new currency API changes in GSC Currency