Upcoming Release

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Revision as of 05:40, 5 February 2014 by Lugdunon (Talk | contribs)

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Last Updated: 05/02/2014

/etc files altered in this update:

  • advancements.json
  • areaOfEffectDefinitions.json
  • behaviors.json
  • behaviorStates.json
  • commands.json
  • instanceTemplates/HOUSE_AUNT_PERU/npcCache.json
  • items.json
  • manifest.json
  • modifiers.json
  • mods.json
  • nps.json

Release Notes:

  • Added some super secret stuff.
  • Added support for "area of effect" (AOE) actions. These actions cause a certain effect to be triggered at a given location that affect PCs, NPCs, placeable items, and terrain within specified radius.
  • Added net.lugdunon.command.core.spell.AreaOfEffectCommand.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.aoe.AreaOfEffect to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.aoe.AreaOfEffectDefinitions to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.aoe.AreaOfEffectInstance to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.aoe.ExplosionAreaOfEffect to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.character.trigger.AreaOfEffectTriggeredAction to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getAreaOfEffectDefinitions to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.mod.Mod.listAreaOfEffectIds() to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.mod.Mod.getAreaOfEffect(String aoeId) to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.mod.Mod.hasAreaOfEffect(String aoeId) to the server-side API.
  • Added a CORE.DEAD behavior state. This behavior state is triggered upon the death of the NPC.
  • Added a CORE.BEHAVIOR.DEATH behavior with net.lugdunon.state.character.behavior.core.DeathBehavior as the implementation. This behavior works similar to the player proximity behavior, except it fires a triggered action on the NPCs death.
  • Disabled audio for temporarily on mobile.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.ICharacterStatsSystem to the server-side code base.
  • Added a CHARACTER.STATS subsystem, which is something that needed to happen long ago. This is in preparation for the inclusion of spell casting advancements.
  • Removed 'character.stats' world.cfg property.
  • Moved all classes related to the DefaultCharacterStats implementation to a mod located at net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character. Added this mod as the default implementation.
  • Added net.lugdunon.world.defaults.character.DefaultCharacterStatsSystem to the server-side API.
  • Added game.characterStats to the client-side API. This property is initialized when a client successfully connects to a server, and represents the data defined in the CHARACTER.STATS subsystems stats.json config file.
  • Changed function signature on net.lugdunon.state.item.action.IActionHandler.renderToolUseInformation(toolDef,durability,type,subtype) to add the item type and sub type in the client-side API.
  • Changed function signature on net.lugdunon.state.item.action.IActionHandler.renderWeaponUseInformation(toolDef,durability,type,subtype) to add the item type and sub type in the client-side API.
  • Changed function signature on net.lugdunon.state.item.action.IActionHandler.getValueFromRandomDefinition(value,durability,type,subtype) to add the item type and sub type in the client-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.ICharacterStats.getDamageForItem(damage,itemType,itemSubType) to the client-side code base.
  • Overflowing text in the advancements window should now terminate in an ellipsis (...).
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getWorldConfigProperty(String propertyKey, [String,boolean,float,double,byte,short,int,long] defaultValue) methods to the server-side API. This provides a simple way of getting access to properties defined in the world.cfg.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.State.getServerProperty(String propertyKey, [String,boolean,float,double,byte,short,int,long] defaultValue) methods to the server-side API. This provides a simple way of getting access to properties defined in the world.cfg.
  • Cleared out etc/instanceTemplates/HOUSE_AUNT_PERU/npcCache.json.
  • Reduced the damage of all axes, swords, and bows by roughly half.
  • Added new three-tiered advancements that increase the damage done when using bare hands, axes, swords, and bows for a total of 12 new advancements.
  • The tooltip for an item now factors in all relevant damage bonuses when calculating the damage that an item will do.
  • Restructured the character stats pane in the main inventory window.
  • Added a lightning strike sound effect.
  • Added a new 'Death Touch' GM game mode. Any NPC or PC that is selected while this mode is active is instantly killed.
  • Added support for a custom sound to play when a GM initiates a Death Touch. Can be modified using the 'death.touch.sound.effect' world.cfg property.
  • Added support for a custom /yell to occur when a GM initiates a Death Touch. Can be modified using the 'death.touch.announcements' world.cfg property.
  • Fixed an issue with the new sign and container tool tip extensions that was causing errors with tooltips in edit mode.
  • Added red, orange, and white skull cursors.
  • Added net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.modes.DeathTouchMode to the client-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.command.core.gm.DeathTouchCommand.