Release 0.7.1

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Revision as of 03:10, 5 September 2014 by Lugdunon (Talk | contribs)

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Mods altered in this update:


Server mods altered in this update:

  • net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.defaults

/etc files altered in this update:

  • commands.json
  • items.json
  • recipes.json
  • instances/0/placeableItemCache.json
  • instances/0/terrain.dat
  • instanceTemplates/DIMENSIONAL_POCKET/instance.json
  • instanceTemplates/DIMENSIONAL_POCKET/npcCache.json
  • instanceTemplates/DIMENSIONAL_POCKET/placeableItemCache.json
  • instanceTemplates/DIMENSIONAL_POCKET/terrain.dat
  • instanceTemplates/DIMENSIONAL_POCKET/waypointCache.json

Release Notes:

  • net.lugdunon.client 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2.
  • net.lugdunon.server 0.7.0 -> 0.7.1.
  • 0.0.2 -> 0.0.3.
  • 0.0.3 -> 0.0.4.
  • 0.0.2 -> 0.0.3.
  • net.lugdunon.server.worldgen.defaults 0.0.4 -> 0.0.5.
  • Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.MoveInventoryItemCommand not properly moving items between placeables in some cases.
  • Fixed several shortcomings with the ContainerMatterArcHandler.
  • Fixed an item instance indexing problem in the MatterPumpArcHandler.
  • Fixed a concurrency issue in ArcPulse.
  • .ldn files no longer require an artifact property. If omitted, update checks are not performed.
  • Added API to allow mods to provide custom server status items (icons).
  • Added API to allow mods to provide custom server login handlers.
  • Placeable hoverover is now shown if an item's current state possesses a defaultAction.
  • Added small change to Namespace.js to allow for breakpoint debugging in chrome.
  • now reports on item types, subtypes, spelltypes, and spellschools.
  • Increased durability of all tools and weapons.
  • Doubled durability of all armor.
  • Added an inventory item information provider item and recipe.
  • Added an item type information provider item and recipe.
  • Added an arc matter splitter item and recipe.
  • Added an arc matter condenser item and recipe.
  • Added an arc matter filter item and recipe. This allows for item / item type filtering.
  • Added an arc teleporter recipe.
  • Added an arc-stabilized dimensional pocket recipe.
  • Added net.lugdunon.server.login.ILoginCheckHandler to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.server.ServerStatusItem to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterCondenserArcHandler to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterFilterArcHandler to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterSplitterArcHandler to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterRequest.isRequestForAllItems() to the server-side API.
  • Added ItemDefAndStackSize(Item item) to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.getItemPairId() to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.mod.Mod.listServerStatusItems() to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.mod.Mod.serverStatusItemsCount() to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.mod.Mod.listLoginCheckHandlers() to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.information.InventoryItemInformationProviderTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.information.ItemTypeInformationProviderTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterCondenserArcHandler to the client-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterFilterArcHandler to the client-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.matter.MatterSplitterArcHandler to the client-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.ArcMatterCondenserTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.ArcMatterFilterTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.tooltip.ArcMatterSplitterTooltipExtension to the client-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.InventoryItemInformationProviderArcHandler.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.information.ItemTypeInformationProviderArcHandler.
  • Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.ui.table.cell.content.InlineEditorContentCellRenderer not correctly validating against the columnDef.editorInputFilter.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the standalone client's window in Win 8 to be too small for the minimum required game resolution.
  • Fixed an issue with the ArtifactUpdater that was causing mods to not properly install when updated. Stupid me forgetting to that JarFile had a close() API.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some instances to not work in the downloaded servers/clients.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the plagued citizen / zombie kill quest to not register progress as far as the zombie kills were concerned.
  • Server no longer have their entries instantly expire upon registration with the public listing server.
  • The modifiers UI is no longer displayed in edit mode.
  • Placeable state changes and damage updates should now be pushed to all placeables that a client has knowledge of, not just those currently on screen.
  • Added support for a content dropped event handler on the client. This event fires when a file is dropped into the client window.
  • Paired items now made a generic item property instead of being solely conduit focused. Paired items can also span inventory and placeable items.
  • Interaction hover-over on placeable items will only display if the player has an item equipped that can affect the placeable item. Tooltips and labels will still display.
  • Added support for a game mode change event.
  • Added an audit log API, used to provide an accounting of actions performed in the game. This will slowly be implemented in the next few updates to includes all actions.
  • to the client-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.character.Character.findInventoryItem(itemInstanceId) to the client-side API.
  • Added game.input.onContentDropped(e) to the client-side API.
  • Added contentDropped(e) for event handlers on the client-side API.
  • Default renderer now handles the rendering of paired item information in the item's tooltip. Paired sibling id can now reference an inventory item or a placeable item (formatted as itemInstanceId:instanceId).
  • Added net.lugdunon.item.Item.paired to the client-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.item.ItemInstance.setUserDefinedData(userDefinedData) to the client-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.item.ItemInstance.setPlaceableUserDefinedData(placeableUserDefinedData) to the client-side API.
  • Removed net.lugdunon.states.ActionBarGameState.setMode(mode) from the client-side API.
  • net.lugdunon.states.tiledGame.TiledGame now subscribes to the game mode change event.
  • net.lugdunon.ui.Modifiers now subscribes to the game mode change event.
  • Added FileArray.typeOf(index) to the client-side API.
  • Added FileArray.subtypeOf(index) to the client-side API.
  • Added FileArray.contentsAsArrayBuffer(index,callback,context,additionalProperties) to the client-side API.
  • Added FileArray.contentsAsBinaryString(index,callback,context,additionalProperties) to the client-side API.
  • Added FileArray.contentsAsDataURL(index,callback,context,additionalProperties) to the client-side API.
  • Added FileArray.contentsAsText(index,callback,context,additionalProperties) to the client-side API.
  • Added FileArray.contentsAsJSON(index,callback,context,additionalProperties) to the client-side API.
  • Added game.addGameModeChangeListener(listener) to the client-side API.
  • Added game.removeGameModeChangeListener(listener) to the client-side API.
  • Added game.setCurrentGameMode(gameMode) to the client-side API.
  • Added game.getCurrentGameMode(listener) to the client-side API.
  • Added a DIMENSIONAL_POCKET instance template.
  • Added a dimensionalPocket terrain layer preset.
  • Fixed a few terrain mappings.
  • Added an ITEM_ARC_TELEPORTER icon.
  • Added an Arc Teleporter Pair inventory item.
  • Added an Arc Teleporter item. Players can construct, place, and power these paired items and use them to instantly cross great distances.
  • Added an Arc-stabilized Dimensional Pocket. Players can construct, place, and power this item to allow access to a dimensional pocket instance that is especially suited to arc circuit construction.
  • ->
  • Added command. Used to construct a terrain.dat file from one or more images.
  • Added net.lugdunon.command.core.inventory.UserDefinedDataUpdatedCommand command. This should be called whenever the server updates an inventory or placeable's user defined data.
  • Added audit log calls to net.lugdunon.command.core.character.NonPlayerCharacterManagementCommand.
  • Added audit log calls to net.lugdunon.command.core.character.PlayerCharacterManagementCommand.
  • Added audit log calls to net.lugdunon.command.core.ConnectToServerCommand.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.arc.handler.OnOffStateArcHandler, a generic handler for items that are capable of an on and off state.
  • net.lugdunon.state.item.action.ConduitPairActionHandler -> net.lugdunon.state.item.action.ItemPairActionHandler
  • Removed paired item code from net.lugdunon.state.item.lifecycle.ConduitItemLifecycleHandler.
  • net.lugdunon.state.item.lifecycle.BaseItemLifecycleHandler revised to now take care of all paired item lifecycle events.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.character.Character.hasItem(ItemInstance ii) to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.trigger.player.PairedTeleportationPlayerTrigger to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.isPaired() to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.Item.setPaired(boolean paired) to the server-side API.
  • Removed net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemCache.deletePlaceableItemReference(long itemInstanceId) from the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemCache.deletePlaceableItemReference(long itemInstanceId, boolean transitionToInventoryItem) to the server-side API.
  • Removed net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemCache.newPlaceableItemReference(Item itemDef, Point location, String state, boolean placedByGM, String placer, String crafter, JSONObject userDefinedData) from the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemCache.newPlaceableItemReference(Item itemDef, Point location, String state, boolean placedByGM, String placer, String crafter, JSONObject placeableUserDefinedData, JSONObject userDefinedData) to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemCache. to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemCache. to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemCache. to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemCache. to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.World.removeGlobalProperty(String key) to the server-side API.
  • Added to the server-side API.
  • Added to the server-side API.
  • Added to the server-side API.
  • Added to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.util.logging.AuditFilter to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.util.logging.AuditLog to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.util.logging.AuditLogFormatter to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.util.logging.NonAuditFilter to the server-side code base.
  • Removed net.lugdunon.util.OneLineFormatter from the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.util.logging.OneLineFormatter to the server-side code base.
  • net.lugdunon.state.item.trigger.player.InstanceTransistionPlayerTrigger -> net.lugdunon.state.item.trigger.player.InstanceTransitionPlayerTrigger.
  • Modified net.lugdunon.state.item.lifecycle.IItemLifecycleHandler.itemPlaced(PlaceableItemInstance placeable, JSONObject userDefinedData) from (PlaceableItemInstance placeable).
  • Modified net.lugdunon.state.item.lifecycle.IItemLifecycleHandler.itemRemoved(PlaceableItemInstance placeable, boolean transitionToInventoryItem) from (PlaceableItemInstance placeable).
  • net.lugdunon.state.World.getWorldConfigProperty() now only reports on the first access of a given property.
  • net.lugdunon.Server.getServerProperty() now only reports on the first access of a given property.
  • Added code to net.lugdunon.state.World to convert pre 0.7.1 world data to the newer version (where paired items are concerned).
  • Fixed an issue with net.lugdunon.command.core.ErrorCommand not cleaning up the alert dialog.
  • Server admins can now set a password that is required for a player to connect.
  • A public server listing is now available as a tab on the server select screen.
  • net.lugdunon.command.core.ConnectToServerCommand now passes the user-supplied password if required.
  • net.lugdunon.command.core.ConnectToServerCommand no calls game.client.serverConnectionFailed() if connection is rejected.
  • Added net.lugdunon.command.Client.serverConnectionFailed() to the client-side API.
  • Added labelText and icon arguments to the net.lugdunon.states.list.LargeListState.makeEditable() function in the client-side API. Both properties allow the appearance of the edit button to be customized.
  • Added cleanup argument to the net.lugdunon.states.list.LargeListState.createContentRow() function in the client-side API. 'cleanup' is a function that will be called when the row is removed.
  • Added simple argument to the net.lugdunon.states.list.LargeListState.updateListItems() function in the client-side API. 'simple' is a boolean value that if set to true, the content container will not be regenerated.
  • Server listing dialog is now comprised of two tabs: the player's favorites, and publicly listed servers.
  • The layout of the server listings has been refactored to better present the necessary information, including the addition of connection property icons.
  • Public server listings have a button that allows for quick saving to / removing from the player's favorites list.
  • Added icons for the various server connection properties (whitelist, blacklist, password, allows guests, public).
  • Added net.lugdunon.states.LargeDialogState.setHeaderText(text) to the client-side API.
  • Clicking on the External Address field of the Standalone Client Settings dialog will auto assign its value to the '' server configuration property.
  • Added a justify property to the offset argument of game.showLabel() in the client-side API. Valid values are "left","right", and "center" with the default being "center".
  • The get server status command now sends 5 boolean values corresponding to the server connection properties displayed as icons in the server listing dialog.
  • Added "list.publicly" to the server configuration properties.
  • Added "server.connect.password" to the server configuration properties.
  • Added "" to the server configuration properties.
  • Created a new public listing server, which is hosted at You can currently query the listing of available servers by calling: Future support for paging, and filtering to come.
  • Public server registration is accomplished at server launch time if the "list.publicly" server configuration property is set to "true", and a keep-alive is sent every minute thereafter.
  • Fixed an issue with inventory dialog subpanel background not displaying correctly when configuring conduits on containers.
  • Moved the tileset image dump utility to a console command '/terrainToImage'. This will cause the tile and elevation images to be displayed in separate browser windows.
  • Added color property to terrain preset layers.
  • Added