Upcoming Release

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Revision as of 03:18, 9 April 2014 by Lugdunon (Talk | contribs)

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Last Updated: 09/04/2014

/etc files altered in this update:

Release Notes:

  • Added the ability to switch characters without having to login and connect to the server again.
  • Added net.lugdunon.ui.optionsMenu.options.ChangeCharacterOption to the client-side API.
  • net.lugdunon.ui.optionsMenu.OptionsDialog.removeOption(option) will no longer add an option that is already in the options list.
  • net.lugdunon.ui.optionsMenu.OptionsDialog.addOption(option,index) will no longer add an option that is already in the options list.
  • net.lugdunon.ui.settingsMenu.SettingsDialog.addSetting(setting,index) will no longer add a setting that is already in the settings list.
  • game.screenLocationUpdated() will now only call listeners that implement screenLocationUpdated().
  • Added exception handling for the game state portion of the game loop. This will allow the game loop to continue functioning even if an error occurs in the current game state's update() or draw() calls.
  • net.lugdunon.command.core.console.ConsoleCommand now sets an opCodeAlias command property, before handing control off to the actual console fired command.
  • /quit now logs the player out of the server and returns the client to the login screen.
  • /logout now logs the player out of the server and returns the client to the login screen.
  • /camp now logs the player's character out of the server and returns the client to the character select screen.
  • Modified the execution of the client-side net.lugdunon.command.core.LoadCharacterCommand to allow for switching characters while still being logged into a server.
  • Fixed scrollbar overlaps in the main UI and the default compendium mod.