Upcoming Release

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Revision as of 03:55, 30 January 2014 by Lugdunon (Talk | contribs)

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Last Updated: 30/01/2014

/etc files altered in this update:

  • advancementCategories.json
  • commands.json
  • instances/0/placeableItemCache.json
  • itemBaseCosts.json
  • items.json
  • mods.json
  • motd.json
  • recipes.json
  • vendors.json

Release Notes:

  • Increased range for NPC interaction (vend, quest, dialogue) to 3 tiles.
  • Increased range for container interaction to 3 tiles.
  • Fixed several alignment issues with the hedge tiles.
  • Automatic item worth calculation implementation class name is now expected in itemBaseCosts.json under the property "calculatorImplementation".
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.worth.IItemWorthCalculator to the server-side codebase.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.worth.DefaultItemWorthCalculator to the server-side codebase.
  • Removed net.lugdunon.util.ItemWorthCalculator from the server-side codebase.
  • Added support for craftingDisciplineModifiers and itemTypeModifiers to itemBaseCosts.json
  • Updated several fences in the default world.
  • Added a small hedge maze to the default world.
  • Reduced the effort needed to remove containers, crafting stations, and houses by half.
  • Reduced the chance to spawn a chick by throwing an egg from 25% to 5%.
  • Keyboard movement implementation has changed slightly. Directional movement is disabled for the time being, and the player's character will move in the direction of the last direction key pressed.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.character.movement.IDirectionalMovement.handleServerSideMovementUpdate(res) to client-side API.
  • net.lugdunon.state.character.movement.free.FreeDirectionalMovement now features client-side prediction.
  • Moved older free movement implementations to net.lugdunon.state.character.movement.free.legacy.*.
  • Fixed some graphical inconsistencies with the wooden fences.
  • Fixed an issue with the mail dialog not correctly clearing cursor item target when closing.
  • Fixed an issue causing improper crafting pattern updates.
  • Created a DIRECTIONAL.MOVEMENT subsystem, which will create an extension point for keyboard movement. The reference implementation (net.lugdunon.state.character.movement.free) is based on the original 'free movement' code.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.character.movement.IDirectionalMovement.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.character.movement.free.FreeDirectionalMovement.
  • Moved net.lugdunon.input.keybind.movement.PlayerFreeMoveKeybinding to net.lugdunon.state.character.movement.free.input.PlayerFreeMoveKeybinding.
  • Moved net.lugdunon.command.core.player.PlayerFreeMoveCommand to net.lugdunon.state.character.movement.command.PlayerDirectionalMovementCommand.
  • Fixed an issue what was allowing players to damage GM-placed keyed items.
  • Fixed "Lancifer's Super-Wonky-Space-Folding Pathing Bug".
  • Added support for a GM-modifiable "message of the day" (motd) that displays whenever a player enters the world.
  • Added wrought iron round bar stock item.
  • Added wrought iron flat bar stock item.
  • Added wrought iron fencing item, placeable and recipe.
  • Added wrought iron gate item, placeable and recipe.
  • Added hedge item, placeable and recipe.
  • Fixed erroneous pathing triggers.
  • Crafter's identity now persists on items through placement and reacquisition.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.getCrafter() to server-side API
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.PlaceableItemInstance.setCrafter(String crafter) to server-side API.
  • Added game.motd to the client-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.command.core.console.gm.SetMOTDCommand.
  • Added etc/motd.json
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.World.setMOTD(String motd) to server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.World.getMOTD() to server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.World.saveMOTD() to server-side API.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing wonkiness when switching between advancement categories in the UI.
  • Timberframe and limestone houses are now properly defined and can have their access restriction set.
  • Flax seed and potato vendor slots are now on a timer.
  • Milk and water buckets now empty when used in crafting.
  • Players can now move houses while preserving their interior instances.
  • Players can now purchase barrels o' animals (chicken, cow, pig, sheep, cat, and dog) from Obalda in the Bibracte market.
  • Character stuck issue tentatively fixed. Needs extensive testing to verify.
  • Added ornate fence gate item.
  • Updated tileset and icons for fences.
  • Updated tileset and icons for ladders.
  • Added support for easy server-side config of advancement categories and updated net.lugdunon.ui.advancements.AdvancementsDialog accordingly.
  • Added etc/advancementCategories.json
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.AdvancementCategories to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.character.advancement.AdvancementCategory to the server-side code base.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.mod.Mod.listAdvancementCategoryIds() to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.mod.Mod.getAdvancementCategory(String advancementCategoryId) to the server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.mod.Mod.hasAdvancementCategory(String advancementCategoryId) to the server-side API.
  • Added game.advancementCategories to client-side API.
  • Added game.advancementCategoryIds to client-side API.
  • Added game.advancementCategoryLength to client-side API.
  • Added a Spellcasting advancement category stub.
  • Added a Weapons advancement category stub.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.getUserDefinedData() to server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.setUserDefinedData(JSONObject userDefinedData) to server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.getPlaceableUserDefinedData() to server-side API.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.ItemInstance.setPlaceableUserDefinedData(JSONObject placeableUserDefinedData) to server-side API.
  • Placeable items can now transfer their user defined data state to an inventory item and vice-versa.
  • Added net.lugdunon.command.core.play.OpenAnimalBarrelCommand.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.action.AnimalBarrelActionHandler to the client-side code base.
  • Added etc/itemBaseCosts.json
  • If ~/etc/itemBaseCosts.json is present, the servers goes into automatic item cost calculation mode.
  • Fixed an issue causing an error when an action is performed with an item that has no action presence defined for that type of action.
  • Added some code to help track replicate the 'character stuck in movement bug'. I replicated it! Now to actually fix it...
  • Added Brash's quote to the presskit.
  • Added a steel plate item and crafting recipe.
  • All plate armor (and the fermentation vessel) now require steel plates instead of steel bars to craft.
  • ItemDefinition / Item toJSONObject() implementation completed.
  • Campfires can no longer be healed past their maximum durability.
  • Integrated the ItemWorthCalculator with server. This will auto-calculate all item costs that are created with recipes.
  • Item worth calculation now takes into account if a recipe material is not consumed. In this event, the item worth is incremented by 1/8 of the worth of the unconsumed recipe material.
  • Item worth calculation now takes into account is the result is a stack of items. In this event the item's worth is divided by the stack size of the result.
  • Adjusted the cost of ores to make a little more sense.
  • Added net.lugdunon.state.item.action.update.CandleUpdateAction to server-side code base.
  • Placed candles now have a duration of 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, they will burn out and be removed from the world.
  • Feathers are now white again.