Console Commands
From LugdunonWiki
Player Commands (available to all players)
Command | Aliases | Arguments | Description |
/emote | /em | /emote {text} | Sends an emote. For instance if you have a character named Elsbeth and you type '/emote waves at her friends.', everyone will see 'Elsbeth waves at her friends.' in the chat window. |
/friend | none | /friend
/friend {playerName} |
Adds or removes a player from your friends list, or if no argument is specified it will list the players currently on your friends list. |
/help | /? | /help | Displays some helpful links. |
/list | /who
/online |
none | List the players currently online. If player is a GM, account name will be included. |
/loc | none | none | Shows your current location and chunk in the game world. |
/macro | none | /macro {macroId} | Executes a macro, identified by the macro's unique id. |
/party | /p | /party {text} | Sends a message to all currently logged on clients in your party (group). |
/pcreate | /pc | none | Creates a party, consisting of yourself. |
/pdisband | /pd | none | Disbands your party. May only be executed by your party's leader. |
/pinvite | /pi | /pinvite {} | Invite the player to your party. If a party exists this may only be executed by your party's leader. Will create a party if you are not already in one. |
/pkick | /pk | /pkick {} | Kicks the player out of your party. May only be executed by your party's leader. |
/played | none | none | Shows how long you have played on the server as the current character and in total. |
/pleave | /pl | none | Causes you to leave your party. If you are the leader, a new leader will be selected upon your departure. |
/ppromote | /pp | /ppromote {} | Promotes the player to the leader of your party. May only be executed by your party's leader. |
/quit | /camp
/logout |
none | Logs you off the server and returns you to the login screen. |
/say | /s | /say {text} | Sends a message to all currently logged on clients within a certain range. |
/stuck | /unstuck | /stuck | Will attempt to 'unstick' your character if you become stuck. Also returns you to your home point. Temporary, for alpha play only. |
/tell | /t | /tell {characterName} {text} | Sends a message to a specified character. |
/yell | /y | /yell {text} | Sends a message to all currently logged on clients. This is also the default command (i.e. you enter something in the chat frame without a leading /). |
GM Commands (only available to players flagged as a gm, or gamemaster)
Command | Aliases | Arguments | Description |
/award | none | /award {advancement id}
/award {pc name} {advancement id} |
Awards an advancement to a player character. If no player character is provided, the current player character is assumed. |
/blacklist | /bl | /blacklist
/blacklist {accountName} |
Adds or removes an account from the blacklist, or if no argument is specified it will list the accounts on the blacklist. If the whitelist is in effect, this command will do nothing. |
/currency | /cur | /currency {currencyString}
/currency {characterName} {currencyString} |
Awards a character with the specified amount of currency. Using the default currency implementation, {currencyString} will take the form of XXgXXsXXc. |
/damage | /dmg | /damage {pc name} {amt}
/damage {npc id} {amt} |
Damages a player by the specified amount. Use negative values to heal. |
/date | none | /date {DD}/{MM}/{YYYY} | Sets the date. |
/gamemode | none | /gamemode {mode} | Sets the game mode. 0 for play, and 1 for editing. |
/give | none | /give {itemDef}
/give {characterName} {itemDef} /give {characterName} {itemDef} {itemCount} |
Gives a character one or more of a particular item. |
/gm | none | /gm
/gm {accountName} |
Toggles an account's gamemaster status, or if no account is provided it will list the current gamemasters. |
/kick | none | /kick {accountName}
/kick {characterName} |
Immediately kicks an account or character from the server. Keep in mind that they will be able to immediately reconnect. |
/motd | none | /motd
/motd {message} |
Sets the server's motd (message of the day). Use no message argument to prevent the motd from displaying. |
/revoke | none | /revoke {advancement id}
/revoke {pc name} {advancement id} |
Revokes an advancement from a player character. If no player character is provided, the current player character is assumed. |
/save | none | /save
/save off /save {interval} |
Saves the world state. |
/shutdown | none | /shutdown now
/shutdown cancel /shutdown {interval} |
Shuts the server down. Available only to the server's super-user. |
/spawn | none | /spawn {npcid}
/spawn {npcid} {x,y} /spawn {npcid} {spawnerid} /spawn {npcid} {x,y} {spawnerid} |
Spawns an NPC. |
/time | none | /time {HH}:{MM} | Sets the time. |
/warp | none | /warp {x,y}
/warp {waypoint} /warp {characterName} /warp {characterName} {x,y} /warp {characterName} {waypoint} /warp {characterName} {characterName} |
Warps a player to another location. |
/waypoint | /wp | /waypoint
/waypoint {add|rem} {waypoint} /waypoint {add} {waypoint} {x,y} |
Adds or removes a waypoint entry. |
/whitelist | /wl | /whitelist
/whitelist {accountName} |
Adds or removes an account from the whitelist, or if no argument is specified it will list the accounts on the whitelist. |
Debug Commands (for visual debugging, may be removed at any time)
Command | Aliases | Arguments | Description |
/debug | none | /debug {level} | Sets the debug level. |
/uiflag | /uf | /uiflag
/uiflag {flagToToggle} |
Toggles a specific display flag or lists all flags with their status. |