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Lugdunon began in 2003 as a small project named ERPG, whose purpose was to provide a means of entertainment and education for my newborn daughter as she got a little older. Initially protoyped as a Java thick-client, work progressed for about 6 months until life got in the way and I was forced to shelve it for a time.

Fast-forward 9 years and I decided to give it another shot. Work on Lugdunon in its current form began in April of 2012 with some initial protoypes to test the major concepts. The results were satisfying, and progress has been steady since then. Hopes of reaching beta in late Fall / early Winter of 2013 are looking good.

In April of 2013, the talented Meagan Bowden of CosmicKitty Designs agreed to come on board as the resident graphics artist. Going forward, the old public domain assets will be phased out and replaced by Meagan’s original artwork.

Up until mid April of 2013, the only person working on this project, aside from several wonderful people (that means you, Ash, Zippy, and Toklas) that have helped play-test and sanity-check the crazier notions, has been myself. The excellent resources listed below have helped prop up my meagre contributions to the art side of things.

Art Assets

The majority of the art assets used in Lugdunon originated with‘s Liberated Pixel Cup, especially the exemplary work by Daniel Eddeland, and most of the the .svg icons come courtesy of The rest is home grown.

Given that the Liberated Pixel Cup’s art assets were released under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and the GNU GPL 3.0 licenses, all of the artwork derived from those sources, and the artwork created specifically for Lugdunon has been made available here in either .zip or .tar.gz formats.

The Lugdunon logo and Sunwheel emblem are the excellent work of Jay Bramhall.

Server-side Libs

The Lugdunon server uses the following libraries:

Client-side Libs

The Lugdunon client is built on top of jquery.