Console Commands
From LugdunonWiki
Player Commands (available to all players)
Command | Aliases | Arguments | Description |
/emote | /em | /emote {text} | Sends an emote. For instance if you have a character named Elsbeth and you type '/emote waves at her friends.', everyone will see 'Elsbeth waves at her friends.' in the chat window. |
/list | none | none | List the players currently online. If player is a GM, account name will be included. |
/loc | none | none | Shows your current location and chunk in the game world. |
/macro | none | /macro {macroId} | Executes a macro, identified by the macro's unique id. |
/party | /p | /party {text} | Sends a message to all currently logged on clients in your party (group). |
/pcreate | /pc | none | Creates a party, consisting of yourself. |
/pdisband | /pd | none | Disbands your party. May only be executed by your party's leader. |
/pinvite | /pi | /pinvite {} | Invite the player to your party. If a party exists this may only be executed by your party's leader. Will create a party if you are not already in one. |
/pkick | /pk | /pkick {} | Kicks the player out of your party. May only be executed by your party's leader. |
/played | none | none | Shows how long you have played on the server as the current character and in total. |
/pleave | /pl | none | Causes you to leave your party. If you are the leader, a new leader will be selected upon your departure. |
/ppromote | /pp | /ppromote {} | Promotes the player to the leader of your party. May only be executed by your party's leader. |
/quit | /camp
/logout |
none | Logs you off the server and returns you to the login screen. |
/say | /s | /say {text} | Sends a message to all currently logged on clients within a certain range. |
/tell | /t | /tell {characterName} {text} | Sends a message to a specified character. |
/yell | /y | /yell {text} | Sends a message to all currently logged on clients. This is also the default command (i.e. you enter something in the chat frame without a leading /). |